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Migration Newsletter – Edition 8

Hello everyone!

The year has come to an end and, before the team takes their well-deserved break, there is still time for one last batch of migration news.


BSMQ has announced they have received the final allocations quota for 2020-21, however, for the moment they have opened only the Business Program. The skilled migration program remains suspended and is expected to reopen at the end of January 2021, but announcements have not been made so far in relation to the occupation list.

New South Wales

NSW on the other hand has announced their occupation lists for the 190 and 491, but it came as terrible news for most prospective applicants. Only 31 occupations have been included in the list for the 190 and 34 for the 491, and to make matters worse not all occupations are available in all regional areas of the state. If you live in New South Wales and don’t have a health, engineering or ICT occupation (and a very high points score), it’s time to take a deep breath, enjoy the holidays and try not to think about migration until the end of this financial year (30/06/21), when a new (and hopefully more robust) occupation list should be released.


Victoria’s skilled visa nomination program will reopen on 05 January 2021 for both subclasses 190 and 491. The state has received 1,900 migration places for subclass 190 and 843 for the 491, in addition to the 600 and 200 (respectively) that the state had received from the Commonwealth for its interim program. Nevertheless, the state has already announced that the program will continue to focus in the response to challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, with a focus on Victoria’s health response and economic recovery, so only those working in a highly skilled occupation in health, medical research or life sciences will be considered for nomination.


Vetassess has announced they will increase their prices for skills assessment from 01 February 2021. A Skills Assessment for a professional occupation will cost $927 exclusive of GST (or $1,019.70 with GST inclusive). Trade occupations will not be affected by this increase, as their prices are set by TRA.


The State has informed that they have received 1,000 places for subclass 190 and 1,400 for the 491, but 25% of the program has already been used. They are currently adjusting selection requirements and policies to reflect the expectations and priorities set out by the Department of Home Affairs, and they expect to reopen the general applications in late January 2021. Until this time, the interim program arrangements will continue to operate, focusing on Critical roles who are directly assisting in Tasmania’s COVID-19 response (Note: Chefs and Cooks are now included in the interim program!!)

Business Innovation and Investment Program

For those who wish to apply for a business or investment visa in 2021, it is recommended that they do so before 01 July 2021. The assets requirement will increase from $800,000 to $1.25 million, while the business annual turnover requirement will have to be $750,000 instead of $500,000, as it currently is. There is still some good news though, the funding threshold of $200,000 for the entrepreneur has been scrapped (although applicants’s business idea will need the endorsement from a state or territory) and the provisional stage (visa 188) will now be valid for 5 years instead of 4. More details to come.

Claudio Garzini 
Director of Seven Migration and a Registered Migration Agent under MARN 1803676.

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