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South Australia’s DAMA

128 new occupations added to South Australia’s Designated Area Migration Agreements

128 new occupations have been added to the SA Regional DAMA, including construction and trades, agribusiness, ICT, health, education and renewable energy sectors.

Both DAMAs have been extended until 30 June 2025, with a higher annual nomination ceiling available for the SA Regional DAMA (increased from 750 to 2000 nomination places annually). 

The pathway to permanent residency has been retained for all visa holders under both DAMAs. 

South Australia has also retained the age concession up to 55 years, a 10% reduction to the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT), as well as English and work experience concessions. 

The occupations of Grape Grower (121215), Actors, Dancers and other Entertainers (211999) and Dancer or Choreographer (211112) have been removed from the DAMAs. 

Skills Assessing Authority

The South Australian Government continues to act as a skills assessing authority for occupations that currently have no alternative skills assessing authority.

Portability across DAMAs 

TSS visa holders nominated under a DAMA occupation that has moved between the two South Australian (SA) DAMAs, can apply for nomination (when eligible) for the Employer Nominated Scheme (ENS) visa (subclass 186) under the relevant South Australian DAMA.


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