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Migration Newsletter – Edition 6

Skilled Migration Updates

So, we continue with no great news about the state nomination program for visas 190 and 491. The states are still negotiating the allocation of places that each state will have for these visa categories and, according to the government of South Australia, this should only be concluded late in November. If you plan to apply one of these visas, we recommend you book a consultation with a migration agent only from December, although some state should resume their state nomination programs only from January 2021.

65 points???

In the invitation rounds of September and October of the visas 189 and 491 (family sponsored), we had a great surprise: the minimum points score has decreased to 65 points! Nevertheless this is not a reason for much celebration, at least for the majority of applicants: only 350 invitation have been issued for the 189 in September and 30 (only thirty) in October. It’s been pretty clear that the Department of Home Affairs is using this visa to invite applicants with occupations on the PMSOL (Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List), which has been created to fill critical skills needs that support Australia’s economic recovery from COVID-19. Registered Nurses, doctors and medical research professionals are the best candidates for these few places, even with the minimum points required.

DAMA South Australia

The biggest news so far has been the new DAMA of South Australia, that has gained some muscles and is now more attractive to international students. Some occupation will require only 1 year of work experience in the field, which will allow 485 visa holders to participate in the program. Other occupation allow applicants up to 55 years of age!! However, it is always important to remember: the DAMA is a program that requires the applicant to be sponsored by a company in South Australia, and the permanent visa will come only after 3 years working for that company. It is a great program for those who do not have another alternative, but most applicants have better options. For those who have missed our post in our social medias, here’s the link for the occupations available on DAMA South Australia:

Summary of October

Although we haven’t advertised much, October has been a great month at Seven Migration. Please find below a summary of our positive cases in October:

  • 1 skills assessment IPA
  • 1 skills assessment Vetassess
  • 1 graduate (485) visa
  • 12 training (407) visas
  • 2 temporary activity (Covid-19) visas
  • 3 TSS (482) visas
  • 1 Tribunal (PR)
  • 5 new PRs (including that of our dear Case Manager, Alexandra !!)

Claudio Garzini 
Director of Seven Migration and a Registered Migration Agent under MARN 1803676.

See you next time!

4 thoughts on “Migration Newsletter – Edition 6”

  1. Ana Maria Oliveira Pinto

    E um sonho nosso morar fora do Brasil e nosso filho seguir uma bela profissão ele é estudante de educação física e eu sou manicura e cabeleireira mas já trabalhei como cuidadora de crianças e idosos

    1. Seven Migration Adelaide

      Cuidador de idosos é uma profissão que está em alta na Austrália e esperamos que ela se mantenha na lista. Vamos anunciar todas as novidades por aqui e também pelas nossas redes sociais!

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