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Migration Newsletter – Edition 15

Hello everyone!

So, the year is flying and we’re already in August. And what made the news this month? New South Wales!

New South Wales (subclass 190)

After spending the last 12 months with a short 40-something occupations list, NSW is finally back at the game. The new occupation list for the 190 is robust and includes several target sectors at 4 skill levels:

  • Managers,
  • Professionals,
  • Technicians and Trade Workers,
  • Community and Personal Service Workers.

To be considered, you simply need to be currently employed in your nominated occupation OR be living in NSW for at least 3 months.

Easy right? Not quite. Please remember that the 190 State Nomination program in NSW is highly competitive (as NSW ensures to remind applicants), and only the top-ranking EOIs are invited to apply.

New South Wales (subclass 491)

Your occupation is not on the 190 occupation list in NSW? No problem, go check out the NSW lists for the 491, which are even more inclusive! There are 3 streams in the program, but Stream 1 will have priority. Also, you must register your interest with the state (besides applying for an EOI with SkillSelect) if you wish to be considered for the program. The streams’ eligibility criteria are:

  • Stream 1: have an occupation on the Stream 1 Combined Occupation List AND be living and working (in your nominated occupation) in regional NSW for at least the previous 12 months;
  • Stream 2:  have an occupation on one of the 14 region’s occupation lists AND having completed a relevant 2-year course in regional NSW within the last 2 years;
  • Stream 3: for stream 3, you only need to have an occupation on one of the 14 region’s occupation lists AND be living in Australia.


Want to guess which of the 3 streams will be more competitive???


The state’s migration program reopened on 04 August 2021. Only minimal changes have been made to nomination requirements for the 2021-22 program year. That’s good news for those who were already happy with the previous requirements. You may find details about these minor changes here:


Queensland has announced that, once again, you must exercise your patience if you live in the state. The program is anticipated to open in September 2021, however, no specific dates or details about the criteria were given. If you live in Queensland and you are waiting anxiously for the new list and requirements, you are my hero!

And now the big one…

If you’re unhappy about current Australia’s migration program, you will be pleased to know that… so is the Government! A recent 6-month parliamentary inquiry on immigration has concluded that Australia must do more to remain competitive in its fight for global talent. It has proposed giving all temporary skilled visa holders a clearer pathway to permanent residency. 

Among the changes proposed is a lower work experience requirement for employer-sponsored visas, longer graduate visas, and easier English tests. Also, looser experience requirements for migrants who choose to go to regional areas and the combination of the current occupation lists (MLTSSL, STSOL and ROL) into one-only Skilled Occupation List (SOL). The plan would effectively reverse the changes made in 2017 when the government narrowed the pathways to permanent residency. 

My advice? Although this all sounds amazing, don’t stall your migration plans waiting for these changes, as we don’t know which will be approved and when they will come into effect. If you are in Australia, how about you take the opportunities that are available now to be applying for your Australian citizenship when all this happens?

See you next time!

5 thoughts on “Migration Newsletter – Edition 15”

  1. Berthalo Franco Fonseca

    Meu prezado,
    tudo bem? Obrigado pelas notícias.
    Continuo almejando imigrar para a Australia, juntamente com minha família. Não perdi as esperanças. Será que agora tenho chances? Formação em odontologia, com especializações e vasta experiência profissional e acadêmica. Com nível avançado em ingles. Hoje com dupla cidadania, Brasileira e Portuguesa.
    Voce poderia me auxiliar nessa conquista?
    Bérthalo Fonseca.

    1. Berthalo Franco Fonseca

      Meu prezado,
      tudo bem? Obrigado pelas notícias.
      Continuo almejando imigrar para a Australia, juntamente com minha família. Não perdi as esperanças. Será que agora tenho chances? Formação em odontologia, com especializações e vasta experiência profissional e acadêmica. Com nível avançado em ingles. Hoje com dupla cidadania, Brasileira e Portuguesa.
      Lembrando também que estou cursando atualmente um curso superior de logística.
      Voce poderia me auxiliar nessa conquista?
      Bérthalo Fonseca.

      1. Marketing Seven Migration

        Olá Berthalo, obrigada por sua mensagem.
        Nossa recomendação é que agende uma consulta com um dos nossos agentes para avaliar sua elegibilidade.
        Seven Migration team

  2. I would like to get information about migration processes for me en Mt husband. We’ve been lived in Perth for almost 2 years. I’m studying English at the moment in order to do the IELTS test as I’d like to get a international license to work as a nurse here.

    1. Marketing Seven Migration

      Hi Tatyana, thank you for contacting us!
      We recommend you book a consultation with one of our registered migration agents so they can access your eligibility and craft a personalised migration plan for you.
      All of our appointments are booked on our website, in Book Now.
      Best regards,
      Seven Migration team

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